Seksualundervisning lægger grundstenene for et godt og sundt forhold til ens krop, køn og seksualitet.


Sexuality education

In all phases of life, quality of life and well-being are closely related to sexuality, gender and body. We work to ensure that all people's relationships with their bodies, their gender and their sexuality are as good as possible.

Why sexuality education is a key issue

The foundations for a good relationship with oneself and with different communities are laid from an early age. It is important for everyone throughout their lives to have knowledge about themselves and their bodies, how to take good care of themselves and others, and to feel comfortable with their bodies, their gender and their sexuality.

DFPA works to ensure that all children and young people, both nationally and internationally, get age- and contemporary-appropriate knowledge about their own and other people's sexuality, gender and body - and that they learn about the right to decide over their own body.

The ability to make good choices

Sexuality education equips children and young people to be able to make good choices for their own health and well-being based on knowledge of democracy and equality and knowledge of rights. It also helps children and young people to be aware of and relate reflectively to norms and ideals for gender, body and sexuality, so that they themselves experience being able to be themselves and support others in being themselves.

The purpose of Sex & Society's sexual education is:

  • To develop children's and young people's competence in relation to sexuality, well-being, rights and health
  • To contribute to increased recognition of diversity and the fight against discrimination

What DFPA works for

We work to increase the quality of life for all people, among other things through a strengthened awareness of one's own boundaries and desire and a greater sense and respect for the boundaries of others.

We fight to break down the notion that you have to be or look in a certain way, for example on the basis of expectations for your gender. No one should be bullied or feel alone. Neither in the physical world nor online.

International focus

We use our knowledge and experience from our sexuality education in Denmark to strengthen our international partners' work with sexuality education. For example, we have developed sex education materials for children and young people in Uganda.

How does DFPA work with sexuality education

  • We offer sexuality education to students throughout Denmark and make free sexualiity education material available to teachers at all grade levels in primary school and youth education.
  • We use experiences from Danish sexuality education to create materials internationally together with local partners.
  • We work politically - among others with student organizations - to strengthen the framework for sexuality education in primary school, in youth education and among teachers.