
How to get examined for sexually transmitted infections

If you suspect that you are infected with an STI, you must contact your doctor or a clinic to be examined.
Du kan blve testet for sexsygdomme på fire forskelige måder

At the doctor or at a clinic you can be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Although there are different sexually transmitted infections, the way to be examined for each of them is very similar. However, there may be a difference in how you are examined depending on your gender.

Four ways to be checked

There are four ways to check for sexually transmitted infections:

  • Urine sample
  • Blood test
  • Inoculation
  • Diagnosis based on what is seen/talked about

If you have e.g. genital herpes, the doctor can often determine whether it is herpes by looking at the wound. To make sure, the doctor can inoculate from the wound or take a blood sample.

If you have chlamydia as a man, you can submit a urine test to many doctors and STI clinics. It will then be examined in a laboratory.

If you want to know more about how to examine and treat the various sexually transmitted diseases, you can click on the link below for sexually transmitted diseases.