
What is LGV?

Lymphogranuloma venereum is also called venereal lymph node tumor or abbreviated to LGV. It is infection with a bacterium that is related to the chlamydia bacterium, but does not cause chlamydia.. Chlamydia bacteria settle on mucous membranes, but the LGV bacterium instead settles in the lymphatic tissue in the body.
Ikke alle  sexsygdomme giver symptomer

LGV smitter gennem sex på grund af tæt slimhindekontakt.

The disease is predominantly seen in tropical and subtropical countries, but rarely in Denmark. The disease is therefore mostly found in people who have engaged in unsafe sex during stays abroad or who have immigrated to the country.

Small outbreaks of LGV have also been seen among men who have sex with men in European cities.

How is LGV transmitted?

LGV is transmitted through sex due to close mucosal contact. It is also possible to become infected through sharing sex toys. LGV can also be transmitted to the throat and rectum through oral and anal sex.

Using condoms and dental dams protects against LGV – also when sharing sex toys, if you change the condom when the sex toy gets used by different persons.

What are the symptoms of LGV?

It takes approx. 1-3 weeks from being infected until symptoms appear.

The following symptoms are common:

  • Small transient herpes-like sores on the genitals. They heal after about a week
  • Severe swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin. The skin over the lymph nodes may become red
  • Formation of fistulas (wound channels) to the skin with inflamed pus. Possibly inside the vagina
  • Pain and discharge in the rectum with anal infection
  • Abcesses around the rectum
  • In rare cases, enlargement of the lymph nodes on the neck is seen with oral infection

How is LGV tested and treated?

The doctor can make the diagnosis based on the medical history and the herpes-like sore. Many cases, however, will only be discovered when the lymph nodes in the groin swell greatly, or when symptoms appear from the rectum.

LGV can be detected by culturing secretions from wounds or from fluid extracted from the lymph nodes. A blood test to measure antibody against the bacteria can also be helpful sometimes.

Antibiotics can cure the infection. Usually one of the following treatments is given:

  • Doxyxyclin tablets 100 mg, 1 tablet morning and evening for 3 weeks
  • Erythromycin tablets 500 mg, 2 tablets morning and evening for 3 weeks

If abcess formation has occurred in the lymph nodes, the pus should be suctioned out.

Possible consequences of LGV

LGV can cause inflammation in the lymphatic vessels which can destroy them and permanent swelling of the external genitalia can occur because lymphatic fluid cannot be drained away.

A condition also known as genital elephantiasis.