
Talk to your child about body and boundaries

It is important to talk about the body, feelings and boundaries. But how do you start the conversation? And how are you as a parent a good role model?
Det er vigtigt at tale om krop, følelser og grænser. Find tips hos Sex & Sam,fund

Children and young people have many reflections about themselves. Am I ok? Am I just like the others? Is there something wrong with me because one breast is a little bigger than the other? Or because I'm upset about my body?

When you talk to your child about feelings, body and boundaries, you reduce doubts and insecurities and strengthen self-esteem and your child's belief in himself.

You are a role model

Help your child put thoughts and experiences into words. Speak openly and honestly, and let your child experience you as a good and safe conversational partner.

Depending on the age of your child, your conversation may be about how to feel and show emotions, how bodies look different, how we look after ourselves online, or how to know if you are ready for sex. It is always a good idea to start from something other than your child. It may be something you have seen on TV or read online.

You are a role model for your child. Show your child that you are happy with your body and that you speak up if someone oversteps your boundaries. It's also fine to be clear about your attitudes, boundaries and values ​​when it comes to your child.

It could be, for example, that you find your teenager's profile picture quite challenging. By expressing your opinion and engaging in dialogue, you make your child reflect and you teach him to make decisions and set boundaries based on what feels right or wrong.

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Make yourself available

You cannot prevent your children from making mistakes or making bad decisions.

But you can be there when it happens. Your children should feel safe coming to you - even when they've kissed the wrong person, when they've regretted an online chat or shared a photo on Instagram, or when they've forgotten to take the pill or use the condom.

When your child comes to you with questions, doubts and uncertainties, it is a huge declaration of trust.

My child does not want to shower after sports - what to do?

Children and young people of all ages can experience periods when they feel shy and do not want to be naked in front of others - for example during puberty.

As a parent, you can tell and show that communal bathing in the swimming pool and for sports is natural. It is often in such communal baths that children can see different bodies. Young and old in all sizes and shapes.

Respect your child's boundaries

Be aware of where your child's boundaries are. If your child wants to be alone in the bathroom or doesn't want to hug or kiss you or anyone else, respect that.

When you respect your child's boundaries, you teach your child that he has the right to decide on his own body - and that a no is a no.