
What is herpes?

Herpes is a virus that causes blisters and sores on the mouth and on the genitals. The blisters and sores contain large amounts of virus.
Ikke alle  sexsygdomme giver symptomer

Kun de færreste er klar over, at de er smittet med herpes, fordi de ikke har haft nogle symptomer.

Herpes is one of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases in Denmark and the prevalence seems to be increasing. Around 80% of adult Danes have antibodies against the virus. Studies have shown that approx. 1/5 of all adults are infected with genital herpes.

Only a few people are aware that they are infected because many have had no symptoms or only weak symptoms.

Once you are infected with herpes, the virus remains in the body for the rest of your life. Herpes cannot be cured, but medication can make the outbreaks milder.

How is herpes transmitted?

Herpes is transmitted through intercourse in the vagina, rectum and through oral sex. Herpes can also be spread by touching and kissing. The risk of being infected with herpes is greatest when there is an outbreak of herpes.

Herpes can also be active on the skin without an outbreak with sores, but herpes is not active all the time, so you are not contagious all the time. You can therefore be infected, even if there is no outbreak. If you yourself have herpes and touch the sores, you can spread the infection to other places on the body where herpes can settle.

Between 50-80% become infected with herpes already as children in the form of cold sores. Therefore, there are many people who as adults do not know that they are infected.

You can reduce the risk of the infection spreading from the outbreak area to other areas by keeping the outbreak clean and dry and by washing your hands after touching the wound/blisters.

Herpes and sex

When you are infected with herpes, you can have sex as usual. It is only while there is an outbreak with sores or you can feel an outbreak is on the way that you should avoid having sex, so that you do not infect your partner.

Herpes is highly contagious, and when you have an outbreak it is important not to have sex or kiss. Ideally, it takes a few days to a week after the wound after a herpes outbreak has healed before you can kiss and have sex again.

Unfortunately, condoms and lozenges do not provide good protection against infection with herpes.

It is only in connection with a herpes outbreak that you need to tell a possible new partner that you are infected.

What are the symptoms of herpes?

You can have herpes for a long time without having symptoms.

The symptoms are pain, swelling, redness, itching and burning on the genitals, followed by small, fluid-filled blisters that burst and become sores.

The first herpes outbreak usually appears within a week of infection and lasts about two weeks.

You can get a headache, sore throat, mild fever and muscle pain at the first outbreak.

Subsequent outbreaks of herpes are often milder and last less time.

How is herpes tested and treated?

The doctor looks at the wound and determines whether it is a herpes sore, or decides it based on a description of the course of the disease. After this, she/he can make sure by inoculating the wound or taking a blood test. The outbreaks can be reduced or removed completely by treatment, which consists of tablets or cream.

The treatment does not cure herpes, but shortens the course of the outbreak. The treatment only works if it is initiated as soon as possible, preferably before ulceration occurs. Rapid initiation of treatment – ​​both at the first but also at subsequent outbreaks – reduces the frequency of repeated outbreaks and the duration of the outbreak.

People with frequent and painful outbreaks of herpes can receive treatment that prevents outbreaks.

What are the consequences of herpes?

Herpes can be transmitted during childbirth from mother to child if the mother has a first outbreak of herpes at the birth. Women who have previously had genital herpes do not infect their children at birth, because the children are protected by the mother's antibodies.

Herpes in a newborn baby is a serious infection that can be fatal. This can lead to severe encephalitis, which can cause brain damage in the child.

Some men and women who suffer from recurrent herpes outbreaks may experience permanent nerve damage. It manifests itself as sensory disturbances, burning and burning or piercing pain in the infected area, e.g. the abdomen.