
The sexuality of older children

From kissing games to the sexual debut. Sexuality develops throughout life. It can be difficult to give precise guidelines for how your child develops its sexuality. The developmental stages vary from child to child.
Pre-teens og seksualitet

When children are 6-10 years old they typically play sexual games with peers. The games are characterized by equality and curiosity.

They ask about genitalia and intercourse – and want to know how children are made.

Children of this age often masturbate in secret from adults. Some like to dress up as the opposite sex.

Pre-teens and sexuality

At the age of 10-12, it is common for children to be curious about subjects that have to do with the body, emotions, sex and sexuality. They talk to each other about it and like to read in magazines, books and on the internet to find out what it's all about.

Some also start having boyfriends and kissing. Often the children find it embarrassing to talk about it with parents or teachers.

When children reach puberty, both physical and psychological changes occur. The body grows and they get hair on their genitals and elsewhere.

The girls get their period and the boys start making sperm. It is common for both girls and boys to masturbate.

Read more on puberty here

Sexuality in youth life

Children between the ages of 13 and 16 are moving away from childhood sexuality and towards that of youth. They are interested in topics that have to do with the body, emotions, sex and sexuality. They talk to each other about it and like to read in magazines, books and on the internet. Some watch porn, and this applies to both boys and girls.

They also begin to be seriously attracted emotionally and sexually to others, both of their own and the opposite sex. Many become aware of their sexuality during this period.

De første erfaringer med sex

Nogle får kærester, kysser og har de første erfaringer med sex. Omkring halvdelen af alle unge har prøvet at have samleje første gang, når de er omkring 16 år.

Afprøvningen af det seksuelle er lystfyldt og dejligt for de fleste, men også forbundet med stor usikkerhed: Hvad har man lyst til? Tør jeg vise, at jeg er forelsket? Er jeg klar til sex?

Det er vigtigt at kunne sætte ord på sine følelser og mærke efter sine egne grænser og aflæse andres, hvis man skal have gode og positive oplevelser med det seksuelle.

The first experiences with sex

Some get boyfriends, kiss and have their first experiences with sex. Around half of all young people have tried having intercourse for the first time when they are around 16 years old.

The testing of the sexual is pleasurable and delightful for most, but also associated with great uncertainty: What do you want? Dare I show that I'm in love? Am I ready for sex?

It is important to be able to put your feelings into words and feel for your own limits and read others' if you are to have good and positive experiences with sex.

Read more about the body and boundaries here

Sexual debut

For the past 20 years or so, the average age of sexual debut has been around 16 in Denmark.

There is only a slight difference between the sexes. Approximately 13% of young people are affected by alcohol or drugs on their sexual debut, and just under 25% do not use any contraception.